Findings on organisation, leadership, and counselling in change

In his »Findings«, Georg Martensen discusses fundamental developments on current leadership realities and takes a close look at the change taking place from four perspectives, describing the mechanics, the dynamics, the ideology, and the tragedy of change – not without offering an outlook on the topic that is both existential and hopeful. … »

Multiple Diversity – Existential Challenges for Boards and TOP‐Teams

[restored version] Diversity on boards of directors and supervisory boards? In the current debate, the increasing heterogeneity of members of top bodies (top management teams, supervisory boards, boards of directors) is seen as desirable for very different reasons. The public discussion on diversity in top bodies mainly relates to the dimension of gender. Origin is … »

Leadership and loneliness

With increasing leadership responsibility comes the threat of loneliness. Man is not only a social being, as might seem obvious when considering the topic of loneliness. He is a being dependent on relationships in four ways: Relationship to the Umwelt, to the Mitwelt, to the Eigenwelt and to the Uberwelt. Loneliness poses an existential threat to this … »

Work and Being – Of Meaning Pressure, Purpose, and Hybrid Work

In his guest article, Hans Rusinek deals with the increasing need for meaning at work and the resulting over‐ and under‐​identification. To this end, he first tries to trace the increasing pressure for meaning in relation to the workplace from a socio‐​historical perspective, in order to then examine two possible solutions: A turn towards Purpose as a purposeful orchestration of occupational meaning, and a turn away from the question of meaning in view of a more fluid and hybrid future of work. … »

Existentialism in the Time of Covid – Challenges for Business Leaders

Monica Hanaway (UK), renowned author of numerous publications on existential issues; psychotherapist, coach, supervisor and experienced manager and revered colleague, urges ›Business Leaders‹ in her brand new guest article to pay special attention to »existential issues« and the emerging questions of being human within the »existential dimensions« of organisations and to use them as a guide to prepare for re‐​opening organisations before they simply revert to routine. – She vividly describes, with reference to the Existential Themes, the ways in which the impact of the Covid pandemic will have triggered almost conflicting experiences in people. It is imperative that this phenomenon enters the consciousness of leaders. … »

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza: How Miguel de Cervantes shows us essentials in being human and in virtues of leadership

What moves us to resort to the signet of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza in our blog? What causes our fascination for this strange couple that has captivated people since the publication of »The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha« until today? And what does Quixote have to do with leadership? René Märtin and Georg Martensen provide the answers in an editorial article. … »

The organisation’s total grip on the human being

The totalitarian grip of the market society on the whole human being leaves its mark. With simultaneous comprehensive blurring of boundaries, hyper‐​inclusion and self‐​optimisation, hold and orientation in space and time are disappearing. The search for and creation of meaning is being replaced by purpose, wellbeing and spiritualisation, especially of work. Reaching out to the whole person, to their spatial and temporal availability, brings them into an individual drama and existential distress. But in order to be able to see our lives as fulfilled, it is important to live a life that we ourselves have created. And not a life that subdues itself to the market society. … »

Remote Control – Remarks on Organisation and Leadership in the Covid 19 Crisis

Many organisations are stuck – without reflecting on it – in a spatially defined organisational model of Taylorist shop‐​floor management. Leadership at a distance is therefore experienced as an imposition by those involved. The Covid 19 pandemic is currently forcing a completely different practice and thus also a rethinking of leadership and cooperation. Some feel nostalgic for paternalistic leadership. But command and control is suddenly being replaced by connectedness. And this is not bound to spatial proximity, but rather to trust in a common future. … »

From hoarding to triage: the difficult handling of guilt

The Coronoa crisis is an existential challenge to us. But how do we respond to the many questions that arise? René Märtin deals with the topic »From hoarding to triage: the difficult handling of guilt«. In particular, it deals with the issue raised by Viktor Frankl of the so‐​called tragic triad of suffering, guilt and death in times of current crisis. … »